
We operate worldwide providing Consensus Blockchain Solutions specifically designed for multi-national companies the edge they need to secure their operations.

In many large projects there are a number of Stakeholders who Partner together to implement the Engineering Solutions. A good example of this is the development of an Oil or Gas Field, where an Operator typically will have many Partners who will share in the costs and profits of that development. There is a need for the Operator to share certain operational details with the Partners. In addition, there are a very large number of Service Contractors who provide specialised Services during the development of that resource.

A Consensus Blockchain will allow for the sharing of engineering data through the very powerful replication capability of the system.

Blockchains, or Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT), are shared and distributed data structures that can securely store digital transactions. Once entered, information can never be erased.

A digital transaction could be a Drilling Alert such as a Kick Warning, or a Meta Data Parameter such as Mud Weight.

B2B Matrix have developed a DLT that manages Energy Industry Data – we call it B2B Chain.

B2B Chain is a Consensus Blockchain where only Known and Trusted persons are able to participate. Each person, or unit of people such as a Real-Time Operations Center, is a ‘Node’ on the B2B Chain.

Once data is recorded to the B2B Chain it is automatically updated to all participating Nodes. In the context of a Remote Rig Drilling Operation those Nodes might be:
